Donate with Confidence
How do I give?
Several safe and secure methods of giving provide convenient ways to offer our tithes and financially contribute to St.Elmo Missionary Baptist Church.
Online giving: With the Tithely App
Weekend services: Simply place cash or checks in the offering bag during the collection at any weekend service. Be sure to include your name and address on the check or envelope.
By mail: Mail your donation to:
St.Elmo Missionary Baptist Church
P.O. Box 3823
Lawton, Oklahoma 73502
Be sure to include your name and address on the check or envelope.
St.Elmo Missionary Baptist Church is committed to reaching those who are far from God, unleashing unprecedented levels of compassion into a broken world, and helping each of us become more fully devoted to Jesus Christ. We have the privilege of partnering with God’s work in the world by using our gifts and resources through the local church.